Pomeranian is a Spitz type of dog breed. They are small and smart dogs, who like to meet people and other dogs and usually get along well with them. Pomeranians generally bark a lot so they make great watchdogs. They have a friendly nature. Pomeranians need to be socialised in early age and they will make good family pets. They are small but active dogs who enjoy lots of daily walks. Pomeranians are playful, but they need several toys to keep them interested.
They love to learn new things, and they definitely need mental stimulation otherwise they get bored easily. When it comes to training they respond well to positive reinforcement. Pomeranians are very social by nature, they like company very much so they are the happiest when they can be around people and other animals.
Life Span: 12-16 years
If you have a Pomeranian, we will be happy to take care of him/her! Our walking, daycare and boarding service is perfect for these type of dog.
Everything is working out great with Paws of London. Adrienne is doing a great job and I'm coming home every day to a very happy puppy.